Tuesday, July 08, 2014


Promosi Produk Dr. Sarimah (10Aug-30 Sept14)
Pelanggan yg dihormati, kami dgn berbesar hati membuat promosi jualan produk Dato Sarimah dengan harga yg menakjubkan seperti dibawah:

1 kotak RM230.00
2 kotak RM388.00
3 kotak RM580.00
4 kotak RM760.00 

**Ambillah peluang ini utk simpan stok anda dirumah dan promosi bakal berakhir pada 

30 September 2014

**Stok terhad dan boleh buat tempahan awal mulai hari ini. Harga pasaran adalah RM250 sekotak.
SHAKER & PENGHANTARAN PERCUMA bg setiap pembelian.


Kelebihan Produk Sari Agegard :

✓ Membunuh sel-sel kanser. 
✓ Memperbaiki kerosakan sel-sel akibat rawatan chemotherapy & radiotherapy. Dengan ini, boleh mengurangkan derita kesakitan pesakit kanser.

✓ Memulihkan kerosakan organ yang terkena serangan kanser serta mampu mengecutkan bengkak dan luka.
✓ Bertindak sebagai antioksida yang boleh menyingkirkan toksin dalam badan & menambahkan oksigen dalam darah.
✓ Membantu mempercepatkan proses penyembuhan apa jua jenis luka.
✓ Mengurangkan masalah sakit sendi, buasir dan penyumbatan salur darah.
✓ Menstabilkan hormon dalam badan dan berupaya menyelesaikan masalah kitaran haid tidak teratur. Malah mampu menghilangkan masalah keputihan.
✓ Bertindak sebagai agen anti-penuaan, menghaluskan kulit, menghilangkan jerawat serta resdung.
✓ Boleh menambahkan tenaga pesakit kanser agar tidak cepat berasa letih walau bergerak sepanjang hari.
✓ Berupaya mengurangkan berat badan, tekanan darah tinggi serta kolesterol dalam darah.
✓ Mengimbangkan kandungan gula dalam darah terutama bagi pesakit kencing manis.
✓ Mampu merawat penyakit-penyakit kronik lain selain kanser seperti kencing manis, sakit jantung, darah tinggi, gout, Parkinson dan asma.

Thursday, May 29, 2014


Kelebihan Produk Sari Agegard :

✓ Membunuh sel-sel kanser.
✓ Memperbaiki kerosakan sel-sel akibat rawatan chemotherapy & radiotherapy. Dengan ini, boleh mengurangkan derita kesakitan pesakit kanser.

✓ Memulihkan kerosakan organ yang terkena serangan kanser serta mampu mengecutkan bengkak dan luka.
✓ Bertindak sebagai antioksida yang boleh menyingkirkan toksin dalam badan & menambahkan oksigen dalam darah.
✓ Membantu mempercepatkan proses penyembuhan apa jua jenis luka.
✓ Mengurangkan masalah sakit sendi, buasir dan penyumbatan salur darah.
✓ Menstabilkan hormon dalam badan dan berupaya menyelesaikan masalah kitaran haid tidak teratur. Malah mampu menghilangkan masalah keputihan.
✓ Bertindak sebagai agen anti-penuaan, menghaluskan kulit, menghilangkan jerawat serta resdung.
✓ Boleh menambahkan tenaga pesakit kanser agar tidak cepat berasa letih walau bergerak sepanjang hari.
✓ Berupaya mengurangkan berat badan, tekanan darah tinggi serta kolesterol dalam darah.
✓ Mengimbangkan kandungan gula dalam darah terutama bagi pesakit kencing manis.
✓ Mampu merawat penyakit-penyakit kronik lain selain kanser seperti kencing manis, sakit jantung, darah tinggi, gout, Parkinson dan asma.

Harga Promosi RM 230 (harga asal RM 250) atau RM 388 untuk 2 kotak (harga asal RM 500) dengan penghantaran percuma seluruh Malaysia + shaker percuma!.

diskaun hebat!  great discount!   diskaun hebat!   great discount!
Bagaimana SARI AGEGARD dapat membantu...?

1. DOUBLE STEM CELL yang berfungsi utk menggantikan sel2 yg rosak dan bermasalah kerana banyak masalah dan penyakit disebabkan kegagalan organ dan sistem badan yang semakin menyusut.

2. TRIPLE AMYGDALIN yang berfungsi untuk menyerang dan membunuh sel2 yang rosak dan terjangkit dengan antigen luar yang merbahaya.
3. DIPERKUATKAN DENGAN OZON berfungsi utk membantu penyerapan nutrient oleh sel badan secara optimum, kerana kbykan keadaan yang berlaku sistem badan tidak mämpu menyerap nutrient secara total disebabkan kemorosotan sistem badan. Jadi sbhgn nutrient dibuang oleh sistem badan seterusnya berlaku pembaziran

SARI AGEGARD merupakan revolusi supplement terkini yang yang mengandungi :

1. double stemcell iaitu sel stem epal swiss dan buah plum. Sel stem ini berfungsi untuk merangsang sel induk dalam badan seterusnya menghasilkan sel -sel baru dan menggantikan sel-sel yang rosak dan tua. Jadi bahagian organ atau tisu yang rosak dapat diperbaiki seterusnya dapat berfungsi dengan baik.

2. Triple amygdalin iaitu vitamin B17 yang berfungsi untuk membunuh sel yang rosak dan bermasalah seperti sel kanser.

3. Ozon; supplement ini diperkuat oleh ozon untuk memaksimumkan penyerapan nutrient oleh sel badan kerana sel badan sangat 'mesra' dengan oksigen.

SARI AGEGARD dapat membantu meningkatkan taraf kesihatan seseorang terutamanya pesakit kronik. Malah ia dapat menjadi satu langkah pencegahan awal untuk mengelakkan daripada penyakit-penyakit yang lain


Jika berminat sila hubungi :

  • Jeffri Nasir
  • Email : jeffrienasir@yahoo.com 
  • H/P : 012-9244969 (call untuk maklumat lanjut) 
  • Product Name : Sari Agegard 
  • Harga Promosi : RM 230.00 (sekotak) / RM 388.00 (2 kotak- boleh campur produk sari)
  • Penghantaran Percuma seluruh Malaysia
  • Quantity : 15 Sachets per box for Sari Agegard
  • Payment Method : Bank Transfer (Maybank||CIMB||BANK ISLAM)

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


A. SARI STEMSHAPE – Membakar lemak dalaman(lemak tepu yg berada di sekeliling paru2, jantung, usus, hati dll), menganjalkan kulit yang menggeleber, mengkonturkan bentuk badan lebih menarik, meningkatkan daya ketahanan tubuh dan MELAMBATKAN PROSES PENUAAN.

B. SARI AGEGARD – Mencerah, menghaluskan dan melicinkan kulit. Jika pengguna ada jeragat atau parut, ia akan pudar. Selain itu, AgeGard juga berfungsi sebagai anti-kanser, mengurangkan kadar kolestrol, menjaga kesihatan sendi, menstabilkan gula dan tekanan dalam darah,meningkatkan metabolism, meningkatkan daya ketahanan badan dan MELAMBATKAN PROSES PENUAAN.
Penggunaan SARI AgeGard yang teratur bukan sahaja dapat mencantikan malah membuat anda sihat dan terhindar dari penyakit-penyakit kronik, Insyallah.

C. SARI STEMSERUM – Untuk pemakaian luar. Memutih, Menghaluskan, Melicinkan, Menegangkan serta bertindak sebagai agen penyingkir sel-sel rosak dan mati (seperti RESDUNG, JERAWAT, JERAGAT, PARUT, LUKA dll) dengan menggantikan dengan sel yang baru. Pemakaian yang teratur akan membuatkan muka anda tegang dan berseri serta cantik walaupun tanpa secalit make-up
Selain itu ia juga mampu MENEGANGKAN dan MEMBENTUK 'Payu Dara' wanita agar kelihatan lebih menawan.

Jika berminat sila hubungi :

Jeffri Nasir
Email : jeffrienasir@yahoo.com 
H/P : 012-9244969 (call untuk maklumat lanjut) 
Product Name : Sari Agegard 
Harga Promosi : RM 230.00 (sekotak) / RM 388.00 (2 kotak- boleh campur produk sari)
Penghantaran Percuma seluruh Malaysia 
Quantity : 15 Sachets per box for sari agegard 
Payment Method : Bank Transfer (Maybank||CIMB||BANK ISLAM)

Thursday, August 22, 2013



Sari Agegard dirumus khas bagi meningkatkan keupayaan penjagaan kesihatan serta pembaikpulihan sel tubuh supaya anda menikmati kehidupan yang segar dan bertenaga.


  • Phytocelltec™ Malus Domestica,
  • Ekstrak Sel Induk Greengage,
  • Glutathione,
  • Ekstrak Biji Apricot,
  • Ekstrak Biji Anggur,
  • Ekstrak Prun,
  • Ekstrak Biji Kiwi,
  • Ekstrak Wolfberry,
  • Ekstrak Strawberry,
  • Ekstrak Açaí Berry,
  • Ekstrak Beras Yis Merah,
  • Ekstrak Saw Palmetto,
  • Ekstrak Bawang Putih,
  • Vitamin C Dan
  • Kolagen Marin.

  • Anda yang telah sakit dan telah mencuba jenis rawatan dan juga pelbagai ubat
  • Sari AgeGard boleh di minum bila-bila masa
  • Sari AgeGard tidak perlu berpantang dan anda boleh makan ubat hospital
  • Anda tidak perlu melakukan rawatan Ozon yang mahal kerana Sari AgeGard telah di lengkapi dengan Ozon Pertama di Malaysia yang mengandungi Double Ozon
  • Telah lama anda tidak dapat menikmati kehidupan yang sempurna
  • Penyakit yang sukar untuk disembuhkan.
  • Orang yang telah banyak menghabiskan duit untuk merawat penyakit.
  • Adakah Anda Masih Ragu-Ragu Dan Tidak Mahukah Anda Mencuba Untuk Kembali Pulih Serta Hidup Bahagia Bersama Keluarga Anda.

  • Anda atau keluarga anda yang sering sakit sendi
  • Anda atau keluarga anda yang sedang sakit terlantar
  • Anda atau keluarga anda yang sedang sakit gout
  • Anda atau keluarga anda yang sedang sakit tyroid
  • Anda atau keluarga anda yang sedang sakit kanser
  • Anda atau keluarga anda yang sedang sakit kencing manis
  • Atau anda yang sihat dan ingin mencegah pelbagai penyakit
  • DAN untuk semua penyakit yang di hadapi


  • Larutkan kandungan satu paket Sari AgeGard dalam 100ml air kosong (suhu bilik) dan makan sekali sehari selepas makan.
  • Penggunaan berkala dengan Sari StemSerum akan memberikan hasil yang terbaik untuk mengekalkan tekstur kulit cantik muda dan sihat.
  • Jika agegard diambil sekali dengan stemshape, agegard diambil waktu malam dan stemshape pada waktu tengahari. 
Jika berminat sila hubungi :

  • Jeffri Nasir
  • Email : jeffrienasir@yahoo.com 
  • H/P : 012-9244969 (call untuk maklumat lanjut) 
  • Product Name : Sari Agegard 
  • Harga Promosi : RM 230.00 (sekotak) / RM 388.00 (2 kotak) (Penghantaran Percuma seluruh Malaysia) 
  • Quantity : 14 Sachets per box  
  • Payment Method : Bank Transfer (Maybank||CIMB||BANK ISLAM)

Thursday, July 04, 2013


Harga Promosi RM 230 (harga asal RM 250) atau RM 388 (harga asal RM 500) dengan penghantaran percuma seluruh Malaysia.

Apa itu - SARI AGE GARD?

Rangkaian produk Sarimah Signature Series SARI AGEGARD adalah hasil penyelidikan saintifik yang menyingkap rahsia penjagaan usia serta kawalan berat badan melalui teknologi Dwi Sel Induk yang diperkasa dengan Ozon.
Penggunaan berterusan SARI AGEGARD yang dirumus dengan 16 bahan aktif yang terdiri daripadaPhytoCellTec TM Malus Domestica, Pati Sel Induk Greengage, Aprikot Seed dan beberapa ramuan istimewa terpilih ini, menyediakan nutrisi yang diperlukan untuk proses pembaik pulih sel-sel tubuh. APRICOT SEED begitu kaya dengan vitamin B17 atau dikenali sebagai AMIGDALIN adalah sangat baik untuk kesihatan terutama bagi mencegah dan membantu proses penyembuhan pelbagai masalah kesihatan terutama KANSER.
Aktifkan semula keupayaan sistem penjagaan usia serta kawalan berat badan dan alami kehidupan yang sihat dan produktif bersama Sarimah Signature Series – SARI AGEGARD.

With Ozone Fortified Double Stem Cell Technology SARI AGEGARD has been designed to enhance the body’s inbuilt.

SARI AGEGARD with Ozone Fortified Double Stem Cell Technology SARI AGEGARD dirumus khas bagi meningkatkan keupayaan penjagaan kesihatan serta pembaikpulihan sel tubuh supaya anda menikmati kehidupan yang segar dan bertenaga.
Bahan Aktif:Phytocelltec™ Malus Domestica, Ekstrak Sel Induk Greengage, Glutathione, Ekstrak Biji Apricot, Ekstrak Biji Anggur, Ekstrak Prun, Ekstrak Biji Kiwi, Ekstrak Wolfberry, Ekstrak Strawberry, Ekstrak Açaí Berry, Ekstrak Beras Yis Merah, Ekstrak Saw Palmetto, Ekstrak Bawang Putih, Vitamin C Dan Kolagen Marin.


  • Meningkatkan daya ketahanan badan
  • Menjaga kesihatan sel
  • Menambahkan oksigen dan tenaga
  • Meningkatkan metabolisma
  • Menjaga kesihatan sendi
  • Menstabilkan kadar gula dalam darah
  • Mengawal kolesterol
  • Membakar lemak dan selulit
  • Mencerahkan dan melicinkan kulit
  • Menstabilkan tekanan darah
  • Meningkatkan daya ingatan
  • Melambatkan proses penuaan
  • Menstabilkan sistem pernafasan

Jika berminat sila hubungi :

Jeffri Nasir
email : jeffrienasir@yahoo.com
H/P : 012-9244969 (call untuk maklumat lanjut)
Product Name : Sari Age Gard
Harga Promosi : RM 230.00 / RM 388 untuk 2 Kotak
(Penghantaran Percuma seluruh Malaysia)
Quantity : 15 sachets per box with 10gm each
Payment Method : Bank Transfer (Maybank||CIMB||BANK ISLAM)

Friday, June 28, 2013


Produk yang sesuai untuk semua jenis kanser.

✓ Membunuh sel-sel kanser.

✓ Memperbaiki kerosakan sel-sel akibat rawatan chemotherapy & radiotherapy. Dengan ini, boleh mengurangkan derita kesakitan pesakit kanser.
✓ Memulihkan kerosakan organ yang terkena serangan kanser serta mampu mengecutkan bengkak dan luka.
✓ Bertindak sebagai antioksida yang boleh menyingkirkan toksin dalam badan & menambahkan oksigen dalam darah.
✓ Membantu mempercepatkan proses penyembuhan apa jua jenis luka.
✓ Mengurangkan masalah sakit sendi, buasir dan penyumbatan salur darah.
✓ Menstabilkan hormon dalam badan dan berupaya menyelesaikan masalah kitaran haid tidak teratur. Malah mampu menghilangkan masalah keputihan.
✓ Bertindak sebagai agen anti-penuaan, menghaluskan kulit, menghilangkan jerawat serta resdung.
✓ Boleh menambahkan tenaga pesakit kanser agar tidak cepat berasa letih walau bergerak sepanjang hari.
✓ Berupaya mengurangkan berat badan, tekanan darah tinggi serta kolesterol dalam darah.
✓ Mengimbangkan kandungan gula dalam darah terutama bagi pesakit kencing manis.
✓ Mampu merawat penyakit-penyakit kronik lain selain kanser seperti kencing manis, sakit jantung, darah tinggi, gout, Parkinson dan asma.

Testimoni Dato Sarimah.

Usia beliau 70 tahun. Pada april 2010 menjadi detik yang sukar dilupakan buat Dato’ Sarimah Ahmad apabila disahkan menghidap penyakit KANSER HIDUNG & OTAK (STAGE4).

Lebih menyedihkan doktor mengesahkan beliau hanya mampu bertahan dalam tempoh 3 bulan. Namun beliau redha dengan apa jua yang ditentukan untuk diri beliau. Hatinya berbisik untuk terus bersabar dan terus berusaha melawan penyakit tersebut. Beliau tidak mahu melakukan rawatan kimoterapi kerana beliau tahu, badan beliau tidak mampu untuk rawatan itu.

Sebaliknya beliau mendapatkan rawatan dari seorang professor. Disamping itu, beliau mengamalkan minuman suplemen dari “APPLE STEM CELL”. Alhamdulilah, terasa perubahan pada tubuh serta bersyukur dengan keadaan dirinya semakin pulih daripada penyakit kanser. Kini badan beliau merasa segar dan kembali bertenaga.

Sebelum beliau menjadi PENGERUSI PRIMADONA WORLDWIDE, beliau sendiri menggunakan produk “Sari Stem Cell” sehingga menampakkan keberkesanannya dan penyakit yang beliau hidapi pulih serta kesihatan dirinya bertambah baik. Disini, Dato Sarimah Ahmad ingin berkongsi kehebatan produk “Sari Stem Cell” serta ingin berkongsi kepada semua rakyat malaysia.

Jika berminat sila hubungi :

Jeffri Nasir
email : jeffrienasir@yahoo.com
H/P : 012-9244969 (call untuk maklumat lanjut)
Product Name : Sari Age Gard atau Sari Stem Shape atau Sari Stem Serum
Harga Promosi : RM 230.00 / RM 388 untuk 2 kotak
(Penghantaran Percuma seluruh Malaysia)
Payment Method : Bank Transfer (Maybank||CIMB||BANK ISLAM)

Thursday, February 09, 2012

Can ELECTRICITY pass through Flash light of the Digital camera to your body?

This is a true incidence reported of a boy aged 19, who was studying in 1st year of engineering, who died in Keshvani Hospital , Mumbai. He was admitted in the Hospital as a burned patient.


This boy had gone to Amravati (a place located in State of Maharashtra ) on a study tour, on their return they were waiting at the railway station to catch the train. Many of them started taking pictures of their friends using "Mobile Phones" and / or "Digital Camera". One of them complained that, he was unable to capture the full group of friends in one frame in the Digicam.

This boy moved away to a distance to get the whole group.

He failed to notice that at an angle above his head, 40,000 volts electrical line was passing through.

As soon as he clicked the digital camera? 40,000 volt current passed through the camera flash light to his camera and then from his camera to his fingers & to his body. All this happened within a fraction of a second. His body was half burned.

They arranged for an ambulance & his burned body was brought to Keshavani Hospital , Mumbai.

For one & half days or so he was conscious & talking. Doctors did not have much hopes as there was a lot of complex issues in his body. He passed away later.

Now how many of us are aware about these technical threats & dangers? Even if we are, how many of us are adhering...

Now should we call ourselves as educated and knowledgeable people?

Ø Please avoid mobile phones on petrol outlets.

Ø Please avoid talking on mobile phones while driving.

Ø Please avoid talking on mobile phones while kept in charging mode without disconnecting from wall socket.

Ø Please do not keep mobile phones on your bed while charging and/on wooden furniture.

Ø Avoid using mobile phones / Digital cameras near high voltage electrical lines like in railway stations and avoid using flash.

Everything You Thought You Knew About Learning Is Wrong

Taking notes during class? Topic-focused study? A consistent learning environment? All are exactly opposite of the best strategies for learning.

I recently had the good fortune to interview Robert Bjork, the director of the UCLA Learning and Forgetting Lab, a distinguished professor of psychology, and a massively renowned expert on packing things in your brain in a way that keeps them from leaking out.
It turns out that everything I thought I knew about learning is wrong.
First, he told me, think about how you attack a pile of study material.
“People tend to try to learn in blocks,” Bjork said. “Mastering one thing before moving on to the next.”
Instead of doing that Bjork recommends interleaving. The strategy suggest that instead of spending an hour working on your tennis serve, you mix in a range of skills like backhands, volleys, overhead smashes, and footwork.
“This creates a sense of difficulty,” Bjork said. “And people tend not to notice the immediate effects of learning.”
Instead of making an appreciable leap forward with your serving ability after a session of focused practice, interleaving forces you to make nearly imperceptible steps forward with many skills. But over time, the sum of these small steps is much greater than the sum of the leaps you would have taken if you’d spent the same amount of time mastering each skill in its turn.
Bjork explains that successful interleaving allows you to “seat” each skill among the others. “If information is studied so that it can be interpreted in relation to other things in memory, learning is much more powerful,” he said. There’s one caveat: Make sure the mini skills you interleave are related in some higher-order way. If you’re trying to learn tennis, you’d want to interleave serves, backhands, volleys, smashes, and footwork — not serves, synchronized swimming, European capitals, and programming in Java.
Similarly, studying in only one location is great as long as you’ll only be required to recall the information in the same location. If you want information to be accessible outside your dorm room, or office, or nook on the second floor of the library, Bjork recommends varying your study location.
Interleaving and varying your study location will help whether you’re mastering math skills, learning French, or trying to become a better ballroom dancer. A somewhat related phenomenon — the spacing effect, which was first described by Hermann Ebbinghaus in 1885 — will also help.
“If you study and then you wait, tests show that the longer you wait, the more you will have forgotten,” Bjork said.
But here’s the cool part: If you study, wait, and then study again, the longer the wait, the more you’ll have learned after this second study session. Bjork explains it this way: “When we access things from our memory, we do more than reveal it’s there. It’s not like a playback. What we retrieve becomes more retrievable in the future. Provided the retrieval succeeds, the more difficult and involved the retrieval, the more beneficial it is.”
Note that there’s a trick implied by “provided the retrieval succeeds.” You should space your study sessions so that the information you learned in the first session remains just barely retrievable. Then, the more you have to work to pull it from the soup of your mind, the more this second study session will reinforce your learning. If you study again too soon, it’s too easy.
Along these lines, Bjork also recommends taking notes just after class, rather than during — forcing yourself to recall a lecture’s information is more effective than simply copying it from a blackboard. You have to work for it. The more you work, the more you learn, and the more you learn, the more awesome you can become.
“Forget about forgetting,” said Bjork. “People tend to think that learning is building up something in your memory and that forgetting is losing the things you built. But in some respects the opposite is true.”
See, once you learn something, you never actually forget it. Do you remember your childhood best friend’s phone number? No? Well, Bjork showed that if you were reminded, you would retain it much more quickly and strongly than if you were asked to memorize a fresh seven-digit number. So this old phone number is not forgotten — it lives somewhere in you — but recall can be a bit tricky. And while we count forgetting as the sworn enemy of learning, in some ways that’s wrong, too. The two live in a kind of symbiosis in which forgetting actually aids recall.
“Because humans have unlimited storage capacity, having total recall would be a mess,” said Bjork. “Imagine you remembered all the phone numbers of all the houses you had ever lived in. When someone asks you your current phone number, you would have to sort it from this long list.” Instead, we forget the old phone numbers, or at least bury them far beneath the ease of recall we gift to our current number. What you thought were sworn enemies are more like distant collaborators.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

8 Habits of Highly Productive People

While your co-workers start every day enjoying a cup of coffee together in the break room, you're barely able to find time to call your doctor. While they're taking lunches, you're rushing through another meal at your desk. Sound familiar? Here's the good news: This apparent discrepancy may not mean you've got a bigger workload or that you're a harder worker. Instead, it may mean that they've mastered certain time-saving skills and habits that you haven't-until now. From prioritizing your workload to learning which projects don't need to be perfect, read on to discover eight workplace habits that'll boost your productivity and lower your stress levels

1. They make it a point to take breaks.

Americans seem to think that constantly working is synonymous with being productive, but unless your brain is functioning at its maximum level, you may not be getting as much work done as you think. "[Taking breaks] is like hitting the reset button. It helps you empty out your 'brain cache' so you have room to refill it," says Christine Hohlbaum, author of The Power of Slow: 101 Ways to Save Time in Our 24/7 World. First and foremost, she recommends taking lunch every day-and leaving your desk to do it. "When you have a 'working lunch,' it's just not very efficient. At some point you're going to lose attention," she says. Ultimately, eating while you work will cause you to suffer on two fronts: you won't be able to pay attention to your food-a surefire way to overeat-and you won't be giving your work the proper attention it deserves. In addition to a "real" lunch break, Hohlbaum suggests allotting time for other breaks as well. She recommends taking five minutes in the morning, before starting work, and at least a 10- to 15-minute break in the afternoon. Whether you take a short walk, read a book or stare out of the window with a cup of tea, it'll help you recharge and improve your overall productivity. "It's really important to take time off because otherwise your brain will reach a saturation point," Hohlbaum says, explaining that when this happens, it becomes hard to focus on even the simplest task. "At that point, you need to push away from your computer and take a break."

2. They start their day off on the right foot.

According to a recent study at the Fisher College of Business at Ohio State University, if an employee is in a bad mood when they arrive at work-whether because of familial problems or a stressful commute-it can decrease their productivity by as much as 10% that day. So unless you come in to the office every day in a great mood (and who does?), start your day with 5 to 10 minutes of time dedicated to decompressing. "Create a ritual. Maybe it's meeting in the coffee break room or going around the office to greet everyone. It doesn't matter what you do, as long as you foster a sense of connection [with your coworkers]," Says Holhbaum. "Swinging by to say 'hi' to your colleagues when you walk in gives you a sense of focus. When you feel you're part of a bigger effort, you feel more connected to why you're there and that can make all the difference in the world." Re-focusing your mind at the beginning of the day will also create a sense of calm, helping you to disregard outside stressors and zero in on your daily tasks. "If we're actually able to start the day centered, then we'll have a longer tolerance period before we get off track," Holhbaum says.

3. They make mindful food choices.

You are what you eat, and eating a heavy mid-day meal will often make you feel lethargic for the rest of the afternoon. "Consider what you're eating at lunch. If you're having that post-pasta slump at 2 p.m., and need java or cookies to pep back up, maybe you should try a salad or something a bit lighter so you won't lag," suggests Hohlbaum. The key is keeping your blood sugar levels steady throughout the day, according to Kari Kooi, RD, corporate wellness dietician at The Methodist Hospital in Houston, who recommends three light meals and two snacks at regular intervals. "Heavy meals can make you feel sluggish because they require more energy to digest," Kooi says. "[A quality lunch] will consist of a fiber-rich carbohydrate, like water-rich veggies, and a lean protein, like chicken or fish," she says. And what does Kooi suggest you avoid? "A highly processed meal, like some of the frozen meals in the grocery store, will not give you the sustainable energy you need. The less processed the better when it comes to keeping your energy levels up." When you hit that midday slump, Kooi suggests going for proteins like mixed nuts and fruit instead of the usual energy-zapping pretzels, cookies or candy, which cause your blood sugar levels to spike and then drop and may even make you hungrier, according to Kooi.

4. They keep a flexible to-do list.

Making a daily list of to-dos is a great way to stay on top of your work. However, there is one pitfall-it can make you inflexible. "A lot of people feel their day's been wrecked if they have to change their plan, but the most effective people understand that's part of the job," says Vicki Milazzo, author of Wicked Success Is Inside Every Woman. "I always start my day with a plan, but by 9 a.m. I've busted that plan." However, according to Paula Rizzo, a master list-maker and founder of ListProducer.com, it's important to keep some form of a to-do list, no matter how much your day changes. For example, Rizzo begins her days with a master list, which she continually updates throughout the course of the day to note the items that haven't been done or to add tasks as they crop up. Before leaving work, Rizzo will make a fresh list for the next day. The key, she says, is referencing the changing list throughout the day to keep herself on course. "Just putting a little extra work into it will keep you on track."

5. They use technology with intent.

In today's 24/7 all-access world, it's hard to get a handle on technology use. While it's impossible to avoid it altogether, you can be disciplined about how much time you spend perusing the Web. Set aside a specific time, say 15 minutes after lunch, to scroll through your social networking sites or other favorite websites-and stick to it. Or try something like Google Chrome's website blocker, which allows you to set restrictions to your online time by either totally blocking your favorite websites or just restricting the timeframes within which you are allowed to check them. In addition to surfing the Internet, it's important to watch your email habits. Whether you give yourself 15 to 30 minutes at a set time each day to check your personal email, or you allow yourself brief intervals between tasks, Holhbaum says the key is to be very mindful of the time you're spending checking your non-work inbox. "Have a very clear distinction between what's personal and what's work. If that's a part of your 'OK I need to zone out for a little bit' time, that's fine. But you need to be clear and be mindful of what you're doing." Even work-related emails can become a distraction if not properly managed. Ask yourself if email is the best method of communication, or if you're better off calling the person. "Sending 100 emails isn't [always] going to be the most productive thing. And as we know, emails beget emails. They're like little rabbits," Hohlbaum jokes. "If it's a one-way communication, for example forwarding an airplane itinerary, you don't need to have any answer [so email works]. But if you want detail or you know the person won't respond right away by email, pick up the phone," she says.

6. They balance their workload.

Different tasks require different levels of concentration, which you can use to your advantage. Start by identifying-and placing-the tasks you have into two categories: weeds and intensive work. Weeds are small, manageable things such as handling email, phone calls and minor organizational tasks. Intensive work is anything that requires an extended period of concentration, such as management tasks, preparing presentations, writing or editing. "Miscellaneous routine tasks are like weeds in your garden; we all have them, and no matter how often we try to get rid of them, they never go away," says Milazzo. "Yet they do have to be handled, and pulling a few weeds can provide a restorative break from more intensive work." Milazzo recommends splitting up long sessions of intensive work with regular 15- to 30-minute intervals of weed pulling. This way, you'll accomplish a variety of tasks while not burning out on one type of work.

7. They put perfectionism in its place.

While turning in perfect work has been encouraged since kindergarten, that attitude can be counterproductive if it's not managed. It's important to pick your battles. "Women, by nature, are somewhat perfectionist," says Milazzo. "So we need to distinguish what requires perfectionism," she says. Of course you want to put your best foot forward in all situations, but if you're strapped for time, prioritize. If, for example, you're writing an informal memo or email to a co-worker, give it a quick look and spell-check it, but resist the urge to re-read it three times over. If, on the other hand, you're creating a brochure for your company or preparing an important presentation, then that's the time to put all of your perfectionist tendencies to good use.

8. They know how to say "no."

It's easy to get distracted or overwhelmed at work. But one of the secrets of highly productive people is that they learn when and how to say "no." For starters, say "no" to whiners, complainers and distracting people. One way to do that, according to Rizzo, is by wearing headphones. "That sends the message that you're busy and it drowns out the noise as well," she says. When it comes time to say "no" to the boss, tread lightly but firmly. You don't have to spell out n-o per se; rather, ask her to prioritize what's most important given what's on your plate. "When an employee does that, the boss usually comes to their senses and they get it," Milazzo says. "You don't want to make your boss the enemy; you want your boss to know you're there for the company, and that you're there for them. If they know that, they're more likely to listen to what you say."

Monday, October 31, 2011

Majlis Pertunangan 2011

Alhamdulillah... majlis pertunangan telah berlangsung dengan lancar pada 29 oct 2011. Beribu terima kasih kepada family yg menyokong, rakan yg turut hadir memberi sokongan dan pertolongan.... hanya tuhan sajalah yg dapat membalas kebaikan kalian.

Dengan penuh rasa rendah diri saya memohon ampun dan maaf atas segala kekurangan semasa majlis berlangsung...

kepada rakan2 lain anda akan dijemput ke majlis bersejarah kami pada Mei tahun 2012 InsyaAllah...doakan hubungan kami berkekalan & bahagia hingga akhir hayat, amien